I can’t meditate

Practically every day a new report comes out telling you about all the positive effects from meditation: increases brain mass, reduces physical pain, improves your mood, improves your memory, lowers stress…. and a lot more. Perhaps you’ve tried to meditate, sitting quietly following your breath. But you find that your mind is constantly wandering. You […]

One Day Cure for Depression

So many people are plagued with sadness and actual clinical depression. More than 1 in 10 people are actually taking anti-depressants drugs. But do they actually work? There are many different studies with different findings, but on the whole the findings show that these drugs having little more effect than a placebo. It’s reported that […]

New Miracle Cure for Heart Disease Discovered

APRIL FOOL’s! Yes, it would be a wonderful thing, but it just doesn’t exist. Cardiovascular Disease is described as the biggest preventable cause of death of people. But is it? It’s amazing how people make you believe anything with statistics. “There are Lies, damned lies, and statistics” – British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881)   It turns out that because […]

Hot Button

What’s your “hot button”? That’s the thing that someone can say or do that triggers the old part your human brain making you feel unsafe, as though your were personally being attacked. Your reaction is immediate. Notice the word: “re-action”. It’s something that you’ve done many times before, rather than using the thinking and reasoning […]

Stress Antidote

Your reaction to stress can actually be worse for you that the original stressor. Feeling stressed out is an emotional response to an event or a thought that ends up affecting your biochemistry. Chronic or even serial stress (one thing after another) can make you physically ill, and indeed stress has been implicated in being […]

Is Anger Eating Your Heart Out?

You’ve heard many expression that equate your emotions with parts of your body. Recent research supports what we “knew in our hearts”:  there is a measurable effect of your emotions on your health. Emotional management therefore, is a necessity if you want to improve or maintain physical health! What emotion is most damaging to your […]

Stuck in an Broken Elevator..Stressed or what?

I had an “alarming” event happen this week. I lived through a stressful event, and used my own stress relief tools on MYSELF! What do you do when you when life presents an event where you have to press an alarm button? I’ve been in the middle of a move (moving is considered one of […]