Good Stress You hear that stress is terrible for you all the time. People are saying that stress is making their lives miserable. But stress is actually exercise for your autonomic nervous system. It’s like trying to lift a heavier weight to increase your strength. But the thing that is important to understand is: ONLY […]
Alarm Clock?
Alarm Clock Starts Your Day Off With Stress Do you want to wake up ALARMED??!! Alarm clocks are shocking, jarring and stressful! They get your day started the wrong way, instead of a gentle awakening, slowly and naturally. Ahhhh, stretch, smell the coffee, welcome the day, being thankful you’re alive another day. That’s a stress […]
Brutal Honesty Necessary?
Brutal Honesty Do you ALWAYS have to share your opinion? Remember, it is only your opinion- not fact. AND, conversely, if someone shares THEIRS, it is ONLY an opinion. Don’t give it more power than it deserves by getting sad or angry. Do you have to be brutally honest? Why would you EVER have to […]
Binge Drinking
Alcohol as Self Medication for Stress Many people can be “social drinkers”, but when it come to a stressful time, alcohol can become the drug of choice to escape the uncomfortable feelings. If this is just a rare occurrence, it’s not the best way to handle your stress; but if it becomes a pattern, your […]
New Miracle Cure for Heart Disease Discovered
APRIL FOOL’s! Yes, it would be a wonderful thing, but it just doesn’t exist. Cardiovascular Disease is described as the biggest preventable cause of death of people. But is it? It’s amazing how people make you believe anything with statistics. “There are Lies, damned lies, and statistics” – British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881) It turns out that because […]
Chronic Pain Relief Without Medication
Chronic pain in your lower back, shoulders, head can make your life miserable. Perhaps you’ve tried Tylenol, Nsaids or other pain relieving medication? There are many bad side effects that come along with the temporary relief that you are feelings from chronic pain. Pain is exacerbated by the tension we hold when we experience pain. […]
We use words to describe our emotions as if they reside in our hearts. We have heartfelt feelings, we speak from the heart, we’re heartbroken, we love with all our hearts. Why is it that no matter what culture you come from, the heart is identified as the home of our emotions? It’s because it’s true. […]
Christmas Holiday and Stress
Christmas is a happy time of year, but it also brings extra responsibilities and really highlights your time and money constraints. For many people this is a time of great stress. Holidays are a time for parties, extra activities, trying to figure out what the perfect gift is for people on your shopping list, […]
Live In A Wellness Spa
Have you ever been to a lovely wellness resort or spa, and wished your life could be like this? Have you had a time when you were totally relaxed on vacation? Maybe you felt that experience of joy and peace while walking in nature? If your life is filled with activity, and when someone asks, […]
Can Creativity Harm Your Health?
Worrying is creative thinking. If you are imagining “what if” scenarios, you are being creative! But instead of conjuring up fun, positive events, scenarios, and options, if you are focused on a negative outcome, your creativity may be getting you sick! In fact, worry creates the very thing that you want to avoid! While you […]