There are times in your life when things aren’t going like you planned. It can make you scared about the future, and wondering if you can achieve the goals that you have made for yourself. It’s those times when it’s good to look back over your life, and remember the things you did of which […]
Stuck in an Broken Elevator..Stressed or what?
I had an “alarming” event happen this week. I lived through a stressful event, and used my own stress relief tools on MYSELF! What do you do when you when life presents an event where you have to press an alarm button? I’ve been in the middle of a move (moving is considered one of […]
Are you Sick With Worry?
There’s always so much to do, and limited time. A day can present itself with many opportunities to stress out. But consider this: your attitude is your choice! Do you get “sick with worry”? Yes, it’s a literal description of what having an anxious attitude can do to your body! Worry is one of the […]
Worry can get you sick!
Do you get sick with worry? Yes, it’s is a literal description of what having an anxious attitude can do to your body! Worry is one of the worst, and most ineffective things you do to yourself! Worry is like prepaying a toll for a bridge you never cross- Why is worry so bad? Because […]