I can’t meditate

Practically every day a new report comes out telling you about all the positive effects from meditation: increases brain mass, reduces physical pain, improves your mood, improves your memory, lowers stress…. and a lot more. Perhaps you’ve tried to meditate, sitting quietly following your breath. But you find that your mind is constantly wandering. You […]

Chronic Pain Relief Without Medication

Chronic pain in your lower back, shoulders, head can make your life miserable. Perhaps you’ve tried Tylenol, Nsaids or other pain relieving medication? There are many bad side effects that come along with the temporary relief that you are feelings from chronic pain. Pain is exacerbated by the tension we hold when we experience pain. […]

How Yoga Alleviated My Stress and Body Pain

Although I was always active: I walked, played tennis, roller skated, biked, hiked and loved sports. I considered myself a Type A exerciser. I had to sweat and get out of breath to consider that I had really worked out. During those many years, I also had chronic pain in my hips. The pain would […]