New Miracle Cure for Heart Disease Discovered

APRIL FOOL’s! Yes, it would be a wonderful thing, but it just doesn’t exist. Cardiovascular Disease is described as the biggest preventable cause of death of people. But is it? It’s amazing how people make you believe anything with statistics. “There are Lies, damned lies, and statistics” – British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881)   It turns out that because […]

Christmas Holiday and Stress

  Christmas is a happy time of year, but it also brings extra responsibilities and really highlights your time and money constraints. For many people this is a time of great stress. Holidays are a time for parties, extra activities, trying to figure out what the perfect gift is for people on your shopping list, […]

How Yoga Alleviated My Stress and Body Pain

Although I was always active: I walked, played tennis, roller skated, biked, hiked and loved sports. I considered myself a Type A exerciser. I had to sweat and get out of breath to consider that I had really worked out. During those many years, I also had chronic pain in my hips. The pain would […]