You always hear about how stress is bad for you; it can make you sick, fat and even kill you. That’s true: but only when stress is chronic, or you suffer one stress after another without relief. There is another type of stress- short term; and that can actually help your physical body, and even […]
How Yoga Alleviated My Stress and Body Pain
Although I was always active: I walked, played tennis, roller skated, biked, hiked and loved sports. I considered myself a Type A exerciser. I had to sweat and get out of breath to consider that I had really worked out. During those many years, I also had chronic pain in my hips. The pain would […]
Is Anger Eating Your Heart Out?
You’ve heard many expression that equate your emotions with parts of your body. Recent research supports what we “knew in our hearts”: there is a measurable effect of your emotions on your health. Emotional management therefore, is a necessity if you want to improve or maintain physical health! What emotion is most damaging to your […]
Stress and Wrinkles
Worry is causing wrinkles You can actually smile away stress! It turns out that the best wrinkle prevention is stress reduction! Wrinkles are caused by holding our muscles in a particular expression over time. Yes, that “old wives tale” is true! Worry causes tightening of muscles groups in your face that will create lines over […]
Brutal Honesty… and your health
Why would anyone need to use “brutal honesty”? Essentially, you are stating your opinion about an event, a subject or a person. Do you want to hurt someone with your opinion? Do you really think that a hurtful statement will change another person, or improve your relationship? Remember, once those words are said, they can […]
Worry Causes Negative Outcomes
Worrying is a waste of time thinking about, and envisioning a negative result in the future. I say that, “Worrying is like pre-paying a toll for a bridge you many never cross”. It’s actually worse than that, because worrying and negative thinking changes your physiology and can get you sick. That’s right, your thoughts and […]
Multi-tasking is Brain Drain
Multitasking is one of the worst things you can do to yourself, and your projects! It can actually change the structure and connections of your brain patterns! Your brain can only focus on one conscious thought or task at a time. When you are multi-tasking, you actually shift back and forth very rapidly between the […]