Christmas Holiday and Stress

  Christmas is a happy time of year, but it also brings extra responsibilities and really highlights your time and money constraints. For many people this is a time of great stress. Holidays are a time for parties, extra activities, trying to figure out what the perfect gift is for people on your shopping list, […]

Are You TOO Busy?

The new, in answer to “how are you?” is “really busy”. Overachievers, Entrepreneurs, and it seems like women in particular, are always busy and overworked. And in some ways it can be seen as a boast disguised as a complaint. People may respond the answer, with “it’s better than the opposite”, meaning you have too […]

Want To Live A Longer Life?

“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.” Khalil Gibran Gibran wrote the 2nd most popular book of all time (The Bible is 1st): “The Prophet”.  It expresses profound, beautiful sentiment that applies to any sentient being!  From Dean Ornish’s book, “Love and Survival”,  to the multitudinous […]

Procrastination + Perfectionism = STRESS

Perfectionists: Erasers can easily correct mistakes! Perfectionism is NOT a good trait. It makes your life stressful!  If you’ve ever been on a job interview, you are probably asked the trick question: “What’s is a problem that you have at work?” Many overachievers and other people will use a description of themselves as a “perfectionist”, […]

Never enough time causes stress

Have you ever thought of the impact of TIME on your stress level? The more things you have to do seems to decrease the amount of time you have in your day.  How do you prioritize the use your limited hours? So many people skip meals, multi-task, rush through what they “need” to get done, push […]

Multi-tasking is Brain Drain

Multitasking is one of the worst things you can do to yourself, and your projects! It can actually change the structure and connections of your brain patterns! Your brain can only focus on one conscious thought or task at a time. When you are multi-tasking, you actually shift back and forth very rapidly between the […]