Have you ever been to a lovely wellness resort or spa, and wished your life could be like this? Have you had a time when you were totally relaxed on vacation? Maybe you felt that experience of joy and peace while walking in nature? If your life is filled with activity, and when someone asks, […]
Are You TOO Busy?
The new, in answer to “how are you?” is “really busy”. Overachievers, Entrepreneurs, and it seems like women in particular, are always busy and overworked. And in some ways it can be seen as a boast disguised as a complaint. People may respond the answer, with “it’s better than the opposite”, meaning you have too […]
Never enough time causes stress
Have you ever thought of the impact of TIME on your stress level? The more things you have to do seems to decrease the amount of time you have in your day. How do you prioritize the use your limited hours? So many people skip meals, multi-task, rush through what they “need” to get done, push […]