Do You Ask for Advice – and then Reject It?

If you have a tough decision to make, do you go to people you trust for their advice? It’s great having people you respect who are willing to listen and help you make a decision. But why are you so willing to give away your personal power to know what’s best for you? Yes, having […]

Is an Evil Chimp Ruling Your Life?

All day long, there’s an inner voice that’s talking inside your head. When you are not concentrating on something specific (like reading, or focused attention) your inner voice is constant. In the East, they call it “Monkey Mind”. That image makes you think of a monkey that jumps from branch to branch, in constant motion. […]

Are You TOO Busy?

The new, in answer to “how are you?” is “really busy”. Overachievers, Entrepreneurs, and it seems like women in particular, are always busy and overworked. And in some ways it can be seen as a boast disguised as a complaint. People may respond the answer, with “it’s better than the opposite”, meaning you have too […]

Procrastination + Perfectionism = STRESS

Perfectionists: Erasers can easily correct mistakes! Perfectionism is NOT a good trait. It makes your life stressful!  If you’ve ever been on a job interview, you are probably asked the trick question: “What’s is a problem that you have at work?” Many overachievers and other people will use a description of themselves as a “perfectionist”, […]