I gave a workshop this past weekend called “Tapping Away Pain”. I realized that the pain most people bury away is the emotional pain of being teased, humiliated, or shamed. These feelings create stress in your emotions and your body! Everyone has their own story about what is causing them stress. But one of the […]
Can You Be Honest?
I have some of my most honest conversations with women I’ve met in a just by chance meeting in a public ladies room. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about the anonymity of talking to a stranger who you can reasonably assume you will never meet again. Oscar Wilde said that …”give […]
Overwhelmed with Work
If you are a heart-centered solo-entrepreneur, working to help others with your business, you probably have very high standards. Yes, running a business where you are where the “buck stops”, entails lots of jobs that may not be the most interesting to you (like filing, planning, doing social media, and even marketing). You may just […]
Steve Jobs + The Enneagram
Understanding other people’s thought process, emotions and ensuing behaviors is a highly valuable skill. Whether you are an entrepreneur, or just wanting to relate better to others in personal relationships, The Enneagram is an amazing tool. In business, I know that many people use the Myers-Briggs test, but my preference is for the Enneagram. I […]
Procrastination + Perfectionism = STRESS
Perfectionists: Erasers can easily correct mistakes! Perfectionism is NOT a good trait. It makes your life stressful! If you’ve ever been on a job interview, you are probably asked the trick question: “What’s is a problem that you have at work?” Many overachievers and other people will use a description of themselves as a “perfectionist”, […]