Brutal Honesty Necessary?

Brutal Honesty Do you ALWAYS have to share your opinion? Remember, it is only your opinion- not fact. AND, conversely, if someone shares THEIRS, it is ONLY an opinion. Don’t give it more power than it deserves by getting sad or angry. Do you have to be brutally honest? Why would you EVER have to […]

Hot Button

What’s your “hot button”? That’s the thing that someone can say or do that triggers the old part your human brain making you feel unsafe, as though your were personally being attacked. Your reaction is immediate. Notice the word: “re-action”. It’s something that you’ve done many times before, rather than using the thinking and reasoning […]

Brutal Honesty… and your health

Why would anyone need to use “brutal honesty”? Essentially, you are stating your opinion about an event, a subject or a person. Do you want to hurt someone with your opinion? Do you really think that a hurtful statement will change another person, or improve your relationship? Remember, once those words are said, they can […]

Fight or Flight? Women Use More Choices for Stress

For so much of time, women have been treated like second class citizens. Did you know that drug trials to figure out the efficacy of medication had previously been done only on men? And for much of the scientific literature that we take for granted now, we are finding when it’s re-tested with women, the […]

Want To Live A Longer Life?

“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.” Khalil Gibran Gibran wrote the 2nd most popular book of all time (The Bible is 1st): “The Prophet”.  It expresses profound, beautiful sentiment that applies to any sentient being!  From Dean Ornish’s book, “Love and Survival”,  to the multitudinous […]

Mistakes In Business & Life

I thought I was wrong once, but I made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. The question is, how do you deal with a mistake in business without compounding it’s effect? Yesterday, my auto-responder went out with |*Merge* | tag showing instead of the recipients name. Embarrassing? YOU BET! I wish I would have waited to […]

Is Your Voice Ruining Your Message and Losing You Business?

What does your voice say about YOU? Communication is the way we establish both personal and business relationships. When you think of communication, you are probably just considering the words you use to express yourself. But there are many aspects to your words. Just think about how people may read your email and may react […]

Stress Relief with Communication Skills

Communication is a great stress reliever It can save your business, and lead to more profits as well. There are many important points about HOW to communicate. Here are just two important points that can make all the difference in your relationships.             If something is bothering you, it’s important to take personal responsibility and […]